Note to Myself

billy corgan has depression+ocd. we are brothers.

i have yellow nails. biankablakko sends instant glucose up my brain.

i am wearing green, purple and blue today. my unward is harlequinish.

we always choose „the safe way” but the safe way cannot make us happy. it’s just some bullshit we are directed into.

i will become a writer or a poet or smth like that. it was quite hard for me to understand this is my vocation, since i have been labeled myself many names, except the real one.

i guess „coke” should be spelled inwards: „keco”.

this new time is the best things happening to me. at the end, i will be happy. i have still got psychotherapy sessions. I was really ashamed to admit i am doing that, but since this is the truth, what’s the problem?

one of the things that used to make me angry is that whenever i used to say something, people would go like „you are crazy/ what sort of a thing is that?/ this is madness/”. now i dont go angry anymore. because i don’t say anything.

my biggest wish in life is not to worry about things. i just wanna have my tea or coffee in the bedroom and look outside and watch videos of Placebo when they were my age, like 26-27 (Brian used to wear pink lipstick that made him look like strange). Just watch old concerts of those guys. i don’t want to be part of the ratrace they call life.

yesterday, i tried to make a photo of me with a small quadrate paper on my tongue, to look like manson in party monster. „how do you like my ufo?” but i did not like any of the images and at night, i realized there was nothing wrong with the pictures, i am just not totally recovered, that’s why i dont like the images. maybe next time i will do it and post the results here with the party monster story.

i guess lady gaga is so perfect and i love everything she does. she introduced me to the suffering for the love of music. i told hoefora that you don’t listen to gaga at work, you listen to her when it’s evening when the window is open and you have some keco lines underneath the nose.

i am so peaceful after i gave up all my handicaps: ambition, need to be the best, to be perfect, to be the first in everything. do i really need that crap?

i finally admitted not everybody likes me. it was like a breath of fresh air. and even if i meet again the people who rejected me or insulted me, i will speak nicely to them. i really can’t be a bitch because bitchhood sucks and so does having resentments.

44 de gânduri despre “Note to Myself

  1. Whoa, baby… spit it all out, hun! Da’ mai lasa si putin mister… pariu ca in cateva zile o sa stergi postarea asta, pe motiv ca nu iti mai place. oricum, esti o fata curajoasa. that’s my girl…!

  2. Scuze ca sunt offtopic da am chef sa fac poze la nunţi, botezuri si acvarii care au reprezentatii cu balene ucigase. Daca auziti careva ca in targ se anunta asa ceva, let me know. Or else. NU stiu de ce „misto” ala am simPtit ca vreau ca il compleCtez cu trairea asta, dar mi-a venit cand am citit a doua oara treaba asta. Noa gata…. bum bum. (vezi ca ti-am lasat avatarul lui bianka in link) autoarea e o gagica anca ca zapada – stii unde o sa o gasesti 😉

  3. vai ce mi-a placut!
    Monologul asta are de toate, e sugubat, e peaceful dar are neliniste underneath, pare copilaresc, de joaca, dar e necrutator/aspru ( suna asa, ca o invatatura de apoi 🙂 „maybe you have no idea what i’m talking about, but one day you will” american beauty dixit), e senin, dar parca prevesteste crize, e un ( mission) statement dar parca si o capitulare,
    si mi-l imaginez pe woody allen recitandu-l, asa dintr-o bucata, 🙂 sau mi-l imaginez livrat preotului in confesional, sau, daca era din timpul lui, l-ar fi spus, la fel de revoltat yet calm si senin si Holden Caulfield.

    in toate situatiile, e cu umor si emotie, cum le sta bine impreuna.

  4. Da, Lady Gaga e perfectă … ca un bibelou ce nu a căzut încă de pe etajeră şi ca şi majusculele din monologul tău.

      1. Desigur…. ai corectat…
        În antichitate nu era considerat ca fiind greşală a scrie fără a separa cuvintele, apoi, ceva mai târziu se foloseau majuscule. Acum văd că nu se mai poartă.
        Care e pasul următor? Dispariţa semnelor de punctuaţie? Sau şi mai şi a literelor?
        Aha, zici că eşti traducătoare? În amor … ca în Caragiale? 😀

      2. hahahaha, am scris „brian used to wore lipstick” şi mi se părea că sună bine, cred că mă gândeam la „whore” de fapt undeva in subconstient.

        eram aşa de into it că nu imi dădeam seama ce greşeli fac.

        acuma ziceţi „scoate-te, scoate-te!”

  5. Si cum, ma? Carevasazica daca scriu „pula” pe blogul fetei asteia, imi iau permanent ban? cel putin eu asta am inteles din scurta prezentare a domnului Singur-el.

  6. Nu vrei ,,PULĂ” dedesubt. Facem un fel de casetă de text (unde să scriu eu) deasupra. Poate-ţi place să vină de sus ,,PULA”.
    Şi Andreea, dragă, poţi să-mi zici cum doreşti tu! E o casă de nebuni aici! Aici nu există reguli.

  7. This really sounds like a breakthrough. However, we have Placebo, Lady Gaga (who is actually a product made by some persons good at manipulating people) and this means that you still have work to do until bright light. Just watch how your life is spinning around characters that move and talk on the screen only. Sometimes they yell, sometimes they laugh and most of the time they are just babbling. They make you think that life’s a bitch. And so you start acting like a bitch in a sort of payback stimulated by what you see and listen. Then, you boost your ego sky high to an imaginary protective originality that will not impress anyone. Wake up! Lady Gaga will soon fade away, just about when another Lady Originality strikes at those with weak personality. Look at you and many others: you talk about what the tv and the internet talks – Lady Gaga, Placebo, Patton, Sevigny. Nothing new, nothing original, just borrowed things. What you get is a borrowed life, full of used things…

  8. andre, apropo de wellunknownauthor, nu-i asa ca nu trebuie sa ne suparam pe oamenii care vorbesc atat de bine inglish? si trebuie sa le respectam parerea si sa nu sa ne batem joc de ei? without further ado… creatrix, you are one nasty „beach”! u take petty people and turn them into icons… give all this up for Lent, baby, u sinful ignorant…repent, I say…

  9. N-apare GaGa in videoclip, dar e melodia ei… si vei intelege de ce mi se pare in acelasi timp kitch si fascinant, date fiind preocuparile mele „extracuriculare”.

    1. OMG this is sooo cool!

      Serios… e cred ca prima melodie de la ea care sunt sigura ca imi place nu pentru ca are ea haine ciudate si se plimba de colo-colo si nici pentru ca am auzit-o obsesiv la radio si TV…

      Bine… poate au ajutat si vampirii sado-maso acolo… un pic:) Dar oricum, absolut genial!:D

      1. *LOL*La mine, vampirul si inchizitorul nu doar au ajutat – ei m-au facut sa imi placa melodia (care initial mi se parea cam lipsita de farmec, recunosc, in ciuda textului despre colti).

  10. Iepurasul mustacios, e de Paste norocos. Nu-ti lasa cadou in ghete, are el alte secrete: pasca, oul inrosit, cozonacul, mielul fript si un Paste Fericit!

  11. Mustăcioşii, fie ei iepuraşi sau nu, mai au şi alţi aşi în mânecă. Pentru că e vorba de Paşti, de exemplu o sticluţă cu parfum..
    Sărbători fericite ! 😀

  12. i am so peaceful after i gave up all my handicaps: ambition, need to be the best, to be perfect, to be the first in everything. do i really need that crap?

    Nu crezi ca se pune si problema sa poti face toate alea?

    one of the things that used to make me angry is that whenever i used to say something, people would go like “you are crazy/ what sort of a thing is that?/ this is madness/”. now i dont go angry anymore. because i don’t say anything.

    da sigur, sigur, sigur toti oamenii erau ATATA de socati si dati peste cap de ce spuneai? Rusine sa-i fie lumii ca nu poate tine pasul cu tine 🙂

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